

Stanford Study Shows BVA’s Accuracy Claims Are Misleading

Jun 27, 2019

A recent paper published by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research confirms what ve...

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Supreme Court Permits Law Enforcement Officers To Inquire About Weapons in Vehicles

Jun 26, 2019

The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently had the opportunity to address the issue of whether a police ...

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Changes To Rating Schedule for Chronic Fatigue Sydrome

Jun 24, 2019

VA has finalized regulations which change the Rating Schedule relating to Infectious Diseases, Imm...

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Presumptive Agent Orange Claims

Jun 19, 2019

In most circumstances a veteran filing a claim for service connected disability benefits must submit...

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Do I Qualify for VA Benefits?

Jun 19, 2019

There are a number of benefit programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs, but the ...

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Why Don’t My Service Connected Evaluations Add Up?

Jun 19, 2019

When VA grants a claim for service connection, each service-connected disability is assigned a perc...

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VA Rolls Out New Appeals Process

Feb 19, 2019

Effective February 19, 2019, all new appeals filed with VA will be processed under the modernized ap...

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The Right to Privacy in a Digital World

Feb 15, 2019

We live in a digital age.  As technology advances, the law has struggled to keep up, which has crea...

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Court Grapples With Whether First Amendment Protects Harassment of Police Officers

Feb 12, 2019

Free speech is a right guaranteed to all citizens based on the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.  ...

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