

Court Grapples With Whether First Amendment Protects Harassment of Police Officers

Feb 12, 2019

Free speech is a right guaranteed to all citizens based on the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.  ...

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Landmark Court Decision Extends Agent Orange Presumption to Veterans Who Served in ‘Territorial Waters’ of Vietnam

Jan 29, 2019

Early yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit struck down the VA’s policy of d...

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The Impact of the Separate Sovereigns Doctrine on Current Events

Dec 26, 2018

Most people have heard of someone “pleading the 5th” in connection with a criminal investigation...

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Government Shutdown: How Will VA Be Affected?

Dec 24, 2018

On December 21, 2018, Congress failed to pass appropriation bills for some federal programs, resulti...

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What Happens if I Am Arrested?

Dec 16, 2018

For most people, the idea of being arrested is a foreign, and perhaps scary, concept. Understanding ...

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The Right To Remain Silent

Dec 16, 2018

When someone is arrested, law enforcement is supposed to inform that individual of his or her “rig...

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PTSD VA Claims for Combat Medal Recipients

Dec 16, 2018

When filing a claim for post traumatic stress disorder, the federal code provides different rules fo...

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Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Claims

Dec 16, 2018

A 2005, VA report indicates that across National Guard and reserve components the estimated prevalen...

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How Does Bail Work in Wisconsin?

Dec 16, 2018

CONTACT US TODAY | CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS Many people find the bail system confusing — whic...

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