Estate Planning Lawyers in Wisconsin

One of the firm’s core competencies is assisting business owners and individuals with succession and estate planning. These services include a thorough review of your financial standing and, just as importantly, your personal concerns and objectives. Our lawyers work collaboratively with your financial advisors, accountants and insurance providers to ensure that we develop an estate plan best suited to your unique circumstances.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in all aspects of estate planning including:

  • Drafting wills and trusts, including revocable and irrevocable trusts.
  • Preparing power of attorney documents such as durable and springing financial powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney and advanced directives.
  • Business succession planning.
  • Drafting marital property agreements.
  • Trust and probate administration.

Our estate planning attorneys also work closely with our litigation team to ensure that your interests are protected in the event you or your estate become entangled in a lawsuit related to your estate plan.