Agent Orange Attorney for Veteran Disability Claims
Protecting the Rights of Veterans
Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used by the U.S. military to clear leaves and vegetation for military purposes during the Vietnam War. While the herbicide is primarily associated with Vietnam, it was stored, tested, and used in many other locations, including (but not limited to):
- Korea
- Cambodia
- Guam
- Laos
- Thailand
- U.S. bases, including Fort Knox, Fort Ritchie, Fort Meade, Fort Chafee, Bushnell Army Air Field, Avon Air Force Base, Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Gordon, Jefferson Proving Ground
If you were exposed to Agent Orange and are experiencing health issues, you may be eligible to receive VA disability benefits because of the dangerous effects Agent Orange can have on those exposed. If you have filed a claim for VA benefits due to Agent Orange exposure and you have been denied, consult with our experienced and trusted attorneys regarding an appeal.
Our agent orange lawyers are proud advocates for veterans, and we are equipped to help veterans and their families file agent orange disability benefits requests and assist with claims or appeals throughout the entire process. We serve clients in Wisconsin and nationwide, and we are dedicated to providing clients with the high-quality legal services they deserve.
If you need help appealing a VA denial involving agent orange, do not hesitate to reach out to our team online or by calling 608-490-9449. Initial case reviews are free.
Blue Water Navy & Agent Orange Exposure
Blue Water Navy Veterans are veterans who served on sea ships off the shore of Vietnam during the war. Previously, VA did not recognize veterans who served offshore during the Vietnam war as having been exposed to Agent Orange. However, veterans that served within 12 nautical miles of the shores of Vietnam could also have been affected by Agent Orange (Public Law 116-23).
Our agent orange lawyers can help you fight for your right to receive compensation if you are suffering from Agent Orange-related health issues as a Blue Water Navy Veteran.
Compensation for Agent Orange
If it is established that you have an illness caused by exposure to Agent Orange and that you served in a location that led to your exposure, you may be eligible for disability compensation, which is a monthly payment. The amount of compensation you receive is dependent on your disability rating. Additional payments are available for dependents for veterans rated at 30 percent or more disabled.
It is important to note that a veteran’s surviving spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents may be eligible to receive survivor’s benefits if the veteran died because of illness or complications related to Agent Orange exposure. If you have been denied service-connected death benefits, consult with an attorney to discuss the options for appeal.
Get Legal Help from Agent Orange Lawyers
The agent orange lawyers at West & Dunn is committed to fighting for your right to disability compensation because of Agent Orange-related health concerns. We are equipped to help veterans and their families with legal matters, including:
- Appealing a denial of your claim
- Appealing an evaluation assigned for your disability or disabilities
To discuss your legal options with a member of our team, contact us online or at 608-490-9449
Agent Orange Illnesses
VA has recognized the following conditions as presumptively related to Agent Orange exposure:
- AL Amyloidosis
- Bladder cancer
- Chloracne
- Chronic B-Cell Leukemia
- Hodgkin’s disease
- Ischemic heart disease
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Porphyria cutanea tarda
- Prostate cancer
- Respiratory cancers
- Soft tissue sarcomas
- Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
Why You Need an Agent Orange Attorney
Navigating the complexities of VA disability claims for Agent Orange exposure can be challenging, especially given the legal and medical evidence required to secure benefits. An Agent Orange attorney understands the nuances of VA regulations, ensuring that veterans receive the compensation they deserve.
Many claims are initially denied due to missing documentation or failure to establish a direct service connection. An attorney can help gather medical records, service history, and expert opinions to strengthen your case, significantly improving the chances of a successful claim or appeal.
Additionally, laws and policies regarding Agent Orange exposure continue to evolve, affecting eligibility and compensation. A knowledgeable attorney stays up to date on changes such as the PACT Act, which expanded benefits for exposed veterans.
They can also assist with appealing denied claims, reopening past cases, and securing back pay for benefits owed. Whether you’re filing for the first time or fighting a wrongful denial, having an attorney by your side ensures that your rights as a veteran are protected, giving you the best opportunity for the financial and medical support you need.